Articles on: Best Practices

How to Find Decision Makers in a Company?

If you have a list of accounts and you want to get the emails of the decision-makers inside them.

You can proceed like this:

Search for accounts
Create an account list
Add your account list to the lead search
Add filter to find decision-makers
Extract the search with Evaboot and find emails

Search for account and create a list

The first step is to create an account list. For that, you just need to go on the account search, tick the checkboxes, and create on save list.

Filter lead search with account list

Once you have your list ready, go to Lead Search > Workflow > Account List > Click on Include

Once you select your list, you will see on the right all the people working in these companies

Add filter to find decision-makers

Now you must add some filters to identify the decision makers in these companies. For that you can play with all the others filters available in the lead search like "Current Job Title"

In this example I simply added "Director" in the "Current Job Title" filter and it gave me a targeted lists of decision-makers inside my account list.

Updated on: 09/02/2024